+27 21 930 0011 info@casa-za.com

The Cleaning Association of South Africa (CASA) is a unifying body for all employers in the cleaning industry and those that are associated with the industry such as chemicals and equipment suppliers, facilities management, in-house cleaning departments from private and public sectors.

We promote the interest of our members by:

  • providing a platform for debate on matters affecting members;
  • to communicate the industry’s priorities to policy makers, by way of submissions to any proposed legislation in which the interests of the members and the industry will be affected;
  • advising members on matters affecting the relationship between themselves and their employees;
  • affiliating and forming alliances with national and international cleaning associations and participating fully in its activities and programmes;
  • co-operating and building more co-operative relationships with trade unions representing employees in the cleaning industry;
  • working with the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) to deal with matters which affect members or the industry;
  • sharing the latest innovation information

CASA Golf Day Cape Town 2024

Held in Cape Town at the Mowbray King David Golf Club

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